Ear Hematomas in family pets

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Ear hematomas are common presentations in small animal veterinary medicine.  Hematomas are collections of blood within the cartilage flap of the ear canals, which typically appears as a balloon-like swelling of the ear flaps. a lot of typically this is due to trauma from scratching the ears or shaking the head in dogs or cats suffering from underlying inhalant/contact allergies and/or food allergies

While lots of animal guardians and some veterinarians will often attempt to drain the swelling with a needle, recurrence of the hematoma will typically recur.  Therefore, the best treatment for family pets with ear hematomas is surgical drainage of the ears under anesthesia. When done appropriately, the prognosis for healing is excellent.  In those cases left to go down on their own, healing will still occur, but typically with a dramatic amount of scar tissue in the ears.  It is crucial to address the underlying causes of the ear hematomas pointed out above, or the probability of recurrence is greatly increased.