Daisy’s Cyber Monday directions for Cats

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Hi, everybuddy! since today is Cyber Monday, I believed I would share some tips for cats about buying online.  Please do not tell anyone where you got these tips, okay? On account of I would not want to get in huge Trouble.

The very first as well as most important thing is to get a credit history card from your mom or dad. I would gladly share mine with you, however my Mommeh stated “Daisy, NO!” so I had to hide the numbers on this card.  I’m sure you can discover one of your own though.

Next, turn on your computer. I like to shop at PetMeds since that’s where my Mommeh works. then you just have to go to the page with stuff for cats as well as take your time browsing.

Here is the most important part: when you see something you want, just press a lot of buttons on the keyboard up until the purchase is complete. Eventually, the order will come right to your door!

Have fun as well as happy shopping!

tips for Cats