Win 1 of 4 Pet Therapeutics comfort Pads

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Looking for a new way to keep your pet comfortable? Pet Therapeutics is an innovative line of comfort pads to provide soothing relief through the use of orthopedic foam, magnet therapy, and cooling or warmth technology. Each comfort pad can be used on its own, making it perfect for traveling, or they can be used on a sofa or crate for additional support and comfort.

Pet Therapeutics comfort Pads were created by Enchanted home Pet products and are the perfect addition to their luxurious Enchanted home Pet Beds.

Learn more about each Pet Therapeutics comfort Pad and their benefits in the video below:

Win a Pet Therapeutics comfort Pad!

Interested in winning your own Pet Therapeutics comfort Pad? We are giving away one comfort pad of each type (MagnaPETic, OrthoPETic, Cooling Gel Pad, and Self-Warming) in the medium size (recommended for pets 15-35 lbs).

To enter for a chance to win, comment below and share with us what interests you most about these new comfort pads. We’ll select 4 random winners on Thursday, September 4th. good luck!

Congratulations to the winners: Cathy Bradford, Nancy Reed, Michele Comas and Margaret Bovee! We’ll send you an email about your prize. Thanks!