Gone Fishin’

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Ohai! You know what today is? It’s Labor Day! That’s a funny name for this holiday because it’s actually a day when you don’t have to labor.  I’m wearing my fishing gear today because I plan on taking the day off, too. You  might think that a cat doesn’t usually have a lot of work to do, but you would be wrong.

Here are some ways I’m going to take it easy today:

No covering up after I use the litter box.  All that scratching around is tiring!

No grooming. It’s okay to look a little bit unkempt on a holiday like this.

I’m sleeping in past 10:00 am today. In fact, I might lounge around in bed and watch cartoons all day long!

Forget about licking the bottom of the dish after I eat. who wants to clean dishes on a holiday? Of course, this means I need an extra large serving of cat food to make up for the part I didn’t clean off the dish.

Most importantly, I will take the day off from mentoring my brother Harley. I hope he doesn’t run amok without my guidance today.

Oh look, I’ve already caught something on my fishing pole. It looks like a delicious cat treat! how lucky is that? I hope you all have a fun and relaxing Labor Day, too!

What are your Labor Day plans?