The Re-Launch of

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It feels like it’s been months since I wrote a blog post…wait a second it has been nearly two months since I wrote my last post about the shelter Me DVD at Redbox.  Linda wrote the last published post on her guide pet dog Story.
I need to say stuff happens that sometimes gets in the way of blogging.  I wish I could write a riveting blog post every day, but sadly that is nearly never the case.
Beginning today I have a series of posts to update you on some of the happenings around the Puppy In training household starting with…
Orange county guide Dogs of America (OCGDA)
This project has been nearly a year in the making.  If you go to the Wayback maker you’ll see that our Orange county guide Dogs of America group site, was live from 2007 – 2012, but unfortunately some technical glitches brought it down and over the past few weeks/months I re-acquired the domain name and re-launched the site.  Take a look at the all new website:

New and Improved OCGDA Website!What Is The Website?
Yep, I knew that would be your second question…
The website is for and about our Orange county guide Dogs of America Puppies and Puppy Raisers.  The site is still a work in progress and my goal is to provide as much information as possible to our group members as well as information for people interested in raising a puppy for guide Dogs of America.  A few things you will find on
Puppy profiles (work in progress) – working on getting pictures and profiles of all our puppies.
Calendar of Events – shows our upcoming group outings.
Latest news – I hope to put together a post with lots of pics for each of our outings.
Forms – An easy place to find crucial puppy raiser forms.
General information – lots of general information that will hopefully help past, present, and future puppy raisers.

This is one of the projects I’ve been working on over the past few months and I’m hoping it’s valuable to our Puppy Raiser group.  I’m hoping to have it all setup and ready to go before our next group meeting in mid-July.
By the way, on top of I’ve been working on 5 other small websites (non-puppy related) outside of my regular 40 hour a week work load…no wonder why I’m not having the time to blog…ugghhh…
If you have a moment please take a look at and let me know what you think.  As I mentioned it’s still a work in progress and I’ll be making tons of updates in the coming weeks.
Top picks For Our Puppies
BEST PUPPY toy We Like: Calmeroos Puppy toy w/ heartbeat and heat Packs – best for new puppies. helps ease anxiety in their new home.
BEST pet dog CHEW We Like: Bones & Chews Bully Sticks – all of our puppies love to bite, nip, and chew. We love using Bully Sticks to help divert these unwanted behaviors.
BEST pet dog treats We Like: crazy pet dog Train-Me treats – We use these as our high-value treats for our guide pet dog puppies.
BEST FRESH pet dog FOOD We Like: The Farmer’s pet dog – A couple months ago we started feeding Raven fresh pet dog food and she loves it! get 50% off your first order of The Farmer’s Dog.

Check out a lot more of our favorites on our new Puppy Checklist.