Category: Pets

Does my canine miss me?

I didn’t see my mutt Ace for much more than two weeks while I traveled across North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon as well as California last month. Ace got to stay with my parents in Wisconsin. I missed Ace terribly. however did he miss me? Nope. One error people make is to project human […]

Lindsay’s Column: welcome to

We have a great deal of new visitors to the blog, so I wished to welcome everybody in addition to desire all visitors a happy new year. Much of the material on that Mutt will be centered around the pictures you submit. You are always welcome to email your dog pictures to me at […]

Which dogs can benefit from pet dog backpacks?

pet dog backpacks for different dogs Nearly all healthy dogs will benefit from occasionally wearing a pet dog backpack during a walk. The following are some examples of different types of dogs that could benefit from wearing a pack. You’ll soon notice that pretty much any pet dog could benefit! Does your pet dog wear […]

Deep thoughts on diy From the dog

Note: Please welcome Julia Thomson as a new contributor to That Mutt. She preserves the blog house on 129 Acres as well as will be composing for That Mutt every other Tuesday. Home improvement, renovations as well as diy are huge parts of our life at house on 129 Acres. The whole household gets involved. Whether […]