I was thinking about raw food diets for people years before I believed about the benefits of raw food for dogs.
I selected to try feeding my dog raw food since I’m likewise trying to eat more raw food. I don’t see this as some kind of trend diet. I see it as a way of life modification as well as a natural, healthy method of eating.
Real, online foods contain online enzymes that benefit our digestion, nutrient absorption as well as health. When food is heated above 118 degrees Fahrenheit or so, these enzymes are destroyed.
Some people go as far as eating 100 percent raw food. That would be a diet plan of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, grain, legumes as well as perhaps even some jerky.
There is no possible method I can preserve a 100 percent raw diet plan at this point in my life. I’ve tried 30-day raw food trials as well as failed. I like cooked food as well much, as well as I likewise need a high amount of calories each day (about 3,700). When I try to eat 100 percent raw, I don’t get sufficient to eat. Although I’m sure there are athletes who thrive on a mainly raw diet, I do not have the time to prepare as well as eat all that food. It’s likewise expensive.
What I can do is try to eat 50 percent raw. I am definitely not there yet, however it’s a goal.
Some simple methods to eat more online foods are to make a big fruit/veggie smoothie or a salad with every meal. I likewise try to snack on fruits, veggies as well as raw nuts throughout the day. The more online foods I eat, the less rate of interest I have in fatty as well as processed foods.
I ended up being a vegetarian in August 2007. This was an extremely simple switch for me, as well as I’ve had no second thoughts. I still eat eggs as well as seafood as well as on unusual occasions, venison.
I originally stopped eating meat for honest reasons, as I am deeply disturbed by the method animals are increased for food in the United States. however lately I am more concerned with my own health and wellness than I am with the well-being of these animals. Their bodies are extremely unhealthy as well as unnatural, as well as I definitely don’t want to be eating toxic animals.
If somebody wishes to eat hamburger or poultry or pork, that’s fine. But I do believe it should be a mindful decision. Unfortunately, for most people, it is not.
People online their lives on autopilot as well as take in whatever is most quickly obtained. Where that food came from is of bit importance. most of us are so far eliminated from the factory/slaughtering process that we fail to remember ham comes from genuine pigs as well as hamburger comes from genuine cows.
That is where we are losing.
So before you concern as well much about what your dog is eating or whether or not you should switch your dog to raw food, look at what you are feeding yourself.
Obviously I’ve been composing about raw dog food a great deal lately – thanks for sticking around to checked out my posts.
Here’s an example of a raw smoothie I produced an afternoon snack yesterday:
1.5 C. water
1 banana
1 C. frozen strawberries
1/2 C. infant carrots
1 C. spinach
There’s no science to it. just pour some water into the blender, add whatever fruits as well as vegetables you occur to have as well as blend. No requirement to add any type of sugar, yogurt, milk or ice cream. Don’t worry, you can’t taste the spinach.
Here are just a few more reasons to make a salad as well as buy a lot of fruit:
Reasons for people to eat more raw food
1. Raw foods contain more vitamins as well as minerals.
Americans are deprived of vitamins as well as minerals since we eat mainly processed, nutrient-deficient foods like mini corndogs as well as white bread. You have the choice to make much better options for yourself. For more info, I extremely suggest the documentary “Food Matters.”
2. A raw food diet plan is friendlier to animals.
I don’t believe this needs explaining. A great documentary to watch on this subject is “Food, Inc.” For a more disturbing take (one that makes me want to throw up, actually), inspect out PETA’s satisfy Your Meat video. I purposely didn’t link to it, however you can quickly discover it.
3. Raw foods will provide you healthier skin.
Your entire body will be healthier if you eat more online foods, including your skin. I am always worried about sun damage as well as skin cancer since I am blessed with freakishly white skin, as well as I’m outside all the time. If the antioxidants in raw foods will assist my skin, I’m in!
4. Raw food will provide you more energy as well as mental clarity.
People who eat 100 percent raw food swear they have more energy. as well as dog owners who feed their dogs raw swear their dogs have more energy. one of the reasons for this is since raw food is simple for the bodyto digest. That means more energy is left for the rest of the body as well as mind. just make sure you are getting sufficient calories. If you’re not eating enough, you will not have a great deal of energy. rather the concept, I understand ?
Keep in mind that if you switch from a extremely processed diet plan to a mainly vegan or raw diet, you will likely experience a period of detox where your body will get rid of all that additional crap, as well as you will temporarily feel tired and/or sick.
5. eating more raw food will assist you lose weight.
When you eat raw food, you don’t have to concern about counting calories. You can never get sufficient fruit or vegetables. So eat up! The more raw food you eat, the less hungry you will be for fried as well as processed foods. Eventually, cravings for those foods will decrease as well as some cravings will go away. I no longer crave hamburgers, fries or poultry strips, for example.
My dog eats raw dog food – day 64 update
Note: This is week 10 of a 12-week raw food diet plan for dogs trial for my dog Ace. Stella & Chewy’s is sponsoring this trial by providing Ace with 90 days worth of pre-prepared raw food.
Ace has tried a number of type of Stella & Chewy’s frozen raw food as well as he’s done just fine with each one – chicken, beef as well as duck.
My primary concern right now is my dog’s lack of energy, however this started before he began eating raw food.
So many dog owners insurance claim their dogs have an boost in energy when they switch to raw.
Well, my dog is a total pile. Like, all the time! Usually, he’s snoring. Loudly.
I don’t have a scale that works, however Ace appears like he’s lost a pound or two. I increased the amount of food he’s getting since he did not requirement to lose any type of weight. The suggested amount for a dog his size is 3 patties a day (24 ounces). I’ve increased it to 3.5 patties each day (28 ounces).
Ear infections
Ace is fighting off an ear infection, as well as of program that may be why he is low on energy at the moment. As I’ve stated before, I don’t understand if his ear infections are triggered by allergies or not.
Ace’s eyes are runny, particularly in the mornings. I’m presuming this is allergy associated – not sure if it’s something in the atmosphere or his food.
A great deal of dog owners state their dogs’ teeth begin to look whiter when they switch their dogs to raw food. Ace’s teeth definitely aren’t any type of whiter, however I do not provide him raw bones to chew. I don’t clean his teeth, either. I plan to buy more bones for him or begin brushing his teeth. ideally that will assist his poor breath go away, too.
Lip smacking
Ace has been licking his lips as well as swallowing an awful lot. I’ve noticed this ever since I changed him to raw, as well as it seems strange to me. I recognize dogs will lick their lips when they are feeling stressed, however I don’t believe Ace is stressed. even when he appears totally relaxed – like when he’s passed out on his bed – he seems to swallow as well as lick his lips a lot. I may mention this to his vet.
Ace is scratching less. His coat is starting to look truly shiny, as well as he just looks lean as well as muscular. He is one handsome boy!
Less poop!
I’ve stated it before as well as I’ll state it once again – the poop is small, kids! He poops less often, as well as it magically starts to vanish if I don’t pick it up right away! Ace has never had diarrhea or indications of an upset tummy while eating raw food except when he was on antibiotics for pneumonia. I am over my fear of Ace getting ill from bacteria in raw food. He’s a dog. Dogs are meant to eat a raw dog food diet.
My dog is always thirsty
The mutt is still drinking a typical amount of water without obsessing over drinking the entire bowl like he did when he ate dry food. I feel poor that his dry food was potentially keeping him dehydrated.
All in all, I’m happy with the raw food for Ace, as well as I’m happy with Stella & Chewy’s. I am worried about his lack of energy as well as the strange lick smacking behavior, so those are some things to watch in the next couple of weeks.
What about you? Do you eat a great deal of raw food? Does your dog eat raw food?
Click right here for more raw diet plan for dogs recipes