Category: Pets

Cat afraid of the vacuum? how to keep the vacuum-monster away!

AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore2 If you are like many cats (and some dogs, too!) you might be a little bit scared of the vacuum cleaner. As your friend, I would like to reassure you that even though this thing roars loudly and rolls across the carpet like it’s […]

Open farm dry pet dog Food review

healthy pet dog food that is ethically raised and sourced Note: That Mutt has partnered with open farm to bring you this post and giveaway. I’m not sure how lots of of you remember this, but I was a vegetarian for about five years. This wasn’t because I am against using animals for food. It […]

Halloween pet security suggestions

AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore27 Keep Halloween risk-free as well as fun with these pet security tips Did you understand Halloween is the second many prominent day for animals to be reported missing, complying with July 4th? Due to our custom of trick-or-treating, our doors are opening as well as […]

Travel ideas for family pets

Dogs’ needs are often overlooked during holiday road trips, so I thought I’d list a few reminders if your pet dog is lucky enough to come along. Dogs are normally extra naughty when checking out somewhere new, right? ? 1. hide the chocolate from your dog. When the car is stuffed with goodies, keep all […]

I’m Not My Dog’s mommy

I’m not my dog’s “mom.” As we wrapped up Father’s Day last weekend, my hubby Matt relied on me as well as said, “No one wanted me delighted Father’s Day. as well as I’ve been a parent to a feline as well as a pet dog for five years!” The thing is, my hubby as […]