Should experienced pet dog owners embrace the a lot more difficult dogs?

one of the very best decisions I ever made was to take the time to discover the ideal pet dog for me.

The “right” pet dog for me at the time was a medium-energy, housebroken, kennel-trained pet dog that was great with cats as well as dogs.

It’s not simple to take your time to select the ideal pet dog when there are dogs offered quite much everywhere.

But it was worth it.

Ace triggers me extremely bit stress. He sleeps a great 19 hours or a lot more a day. He never chews things that aren’t his, as well as he barely ever barks. He’s never had an mishap except that a person time when he was sick.

But there’s a concern that’s often in the back of my mind whenever I believe about adding one more pet dog to our family:

Should experienced pet dog people (like me as well as lots of of you) embrace the a lot more “challenging” dogs?

Because we understand exactly how to exercise, train as well as handle a few of these dogs much better than the typical pet dog lover, do we have some kind of obligation? must we leave the “easy” dogs, like Ace, for first-time pet dog owners?

The answer, of course, is no.

We must all embrace (or buy) dogs that are best for our lifestyles. After all, a pet dog is a longterm commitment of 10+ years. You don’t want to pick the wrong one.

Still, I’m drawn towards the a lot more hyper or reactive dogs at the shelters sometimes. I like to believe I might assist them. (Maybe I could, perhaps I couldn’t.) I do like the difficulty of assisting as well as training a a lot more “difficult” dog. however really, aren’t all dogs difficult in their own ways?

So, I believed I’d raise the concern to you.

Have you ever purposely embraced a a lot more “challenging” dog? Or have you ever believed about doing so?

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