PetMeds® how to treat a dog or cat Stung By a Bee

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Pets love to roll around in the yard, however, especially in warmer months this may lead to an encounter with a bee or wasp’s nest.  If a pet is stung by a bee, there are several steps that should be done to reduce discomfort, as well as prevent secondary infection.

To locate the stinger it is important to find the swelling around the sting, after which the stinger may be removed gently with tweezers.  The stinger should be pulled straight out to avoid breaking off the stinger.  even if you’re not able to locate the stinger, it’s important to apply baking soda and water over the area which helps draw out any toxins that have been transmitted through the skin during the sting. next I often recommend animal guardians apply ice over the area for several minutes at a time, which should also help relieve the swelling in the area.

If multiple bee stings occur and/or if swelling is extensive or involving an area of the muzzle or snout that may affect breathing, I would strongly recommend veterinary consultation and treatment.  Cortisone and/or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications may be necessary in these latter situations.