Category: Pets

Choosing to Grow: Christina Duncan’s story

By Melissa Viera January 31, 2019 It is inevitable that, as a person, you will change over time—sometimes moving in the right direction and sometimes getting stuck. The world and the people around us change constantly. change is a part of life. When your passion remains strong, even when life changes and challenges you, can […]

Safer, slower meal times with Gobble Stoppers

AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore Does your pet dog seem to eat like each meal is a race to the surface line? Some dogs take pleasure in meal time so much that they gobble down their food as well fast. Although it may seem like a harmless habit, speed […]

Professional Pet Photography: It’s not for everyone

AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore I like taking photos of my pets; you like taking photos of your pets; all of us like taking photos of our pets, right?  Sure they don’t always come out clear, in good light, or recognizable, but we know that blurred, furry blob is […]

Pyoderma in pets

AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore1 Pyoderma in pets is defined as inflammation of the hair follicles, which in most situations is because of overgrowth of bacteria on the skin. The most typical bacteria included is a staph bacteria; however, other bacteria including E coli as well as pseudomonas bacteria likewise […]

What is AAHA Certification?

AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore Approximately 15% of animal hospitals in the United states are certified by the American animal medical facility Association, known as AAHA.   These hospitals are usually higher conventional hospitals in numerous areas.  The AAHA standards usually cover surgery, pharmacy, laboratory, exam facilities, pet health records, cleanliness, […]