Month: March 2023

Daisy’s Cyber Monday directions for Cats

AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore Hi, everybuddy! since today is Cyber Monday, I believed I would share some tips for cats about buying online.  Please do not tell anyone where you got these tips, okay? On account of I would not want to get in huge Trouble. The very […]

January is the APDT’s national Train Your canine Month

begin 2017 on the best paw with the APDT’s national Train Your canine Month, which celebrates dogs as well as stresses the significance of canine training among pet experts in addition to contemporary households with four-legged members. Education is the APDT’s core mission. national Train Your canine Month is our version of a public service […]

Kennel Cough – One much more item To check Off Your getaway “TO DO” list

AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore3 As the holidays are rapidly approaching, numerous of us are planning to go out of town for vacation. With the costs of travel, the price of gas, and the current state of the economy, much more people than ever are choosing to fly rather […]

How Daisy the Curly cat stays healthy

AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore Hi everybuddy! Harley and I are very lucky because we are very  healthy kitties. but did you know this was not always so? When I was just THREE, I got bladder stones. I do not know exactly how those rocks got inside me, but […]

PetMeds® helping a canine with growing Pains

AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore1 One of the most common orthopedic issues found in young, particularly large breed dogs, is the development of limping. Limping can have numerous causes from trauma/soft tissue injury to infectious agents like Lyme disease. However, it’s essential to not forget about numerous of the […]

The Re-Launch of

This post may consist of affiliate links. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. It feels like it’s been months since I wrote a blog post…wait a second it has been nearly two months since I wrote my last post about the shelter Me DVD at Redbox.  Linda wrote […]

Grooming Cats in senior neighborhoods

By Kim Raisanen, PCGAA President September 30, 2016 One of the numerous advantages of feline grooming is that you have much more versatility than in canine grooming. You will utilize less products as well as less devices grooming them, too. I’d like to talk about one of those perks, which is adding a much overlooked […]

Dog Skin Allergies – My Itchy pet dog

This publish may consist of affiliate links. We may make money or products from the business pointed out in this post. Have you had to offer with pet dog Skin Allergies? This is my very first pet dog that I understand of with pet dog allergies. I’m sure our past dogs may have had minor […]

Daisy the Curly feline is prepared to travel

AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore3 Ohai! It is a beautiful, sunny day so perhaps we can go somewhere.  But, I am an indoor only feline unless I am on my harness as well as leash or in my stroller. Not to worry, I have a fantastic idea! I can […]