On worldwide yoga Day, try to be more like a cat!

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The United nations has declared that June 21 will be the worldwide Day of Yoga. You may question what that has to do with cats. Well, cats are understood for having outstanding versatility as well as balance, as well as “cat yoga” is part of the reason!

Have you ever watched a feline stretch, arch her back, or twist in seemingly impossible positions to groom a hard-to-reach spot? All examples of feline yoga. even when we scratch on our scratching publish or other things, part of the reason is to stretch our back as well as shoulder muscles (as well as sharpening our claws, as well as scent-marking). Stretching feels good!

This is Harley. even though he’s quite great at feline yoga, he has decided to try some more traditional yoga poses, under my direction of course. right here he is doing a Vishnu asana. I can tell that Harley is trying his extremely best, on account of exactly how his tongue is poked out in concentration. That part is optional.

The excellent thing is that anyone can do yoga, regardless of age or physical fitness level. So, on worldwide yoga Day tomorrow, set aside a few moments to try some yoga yourself. Hopefully, you will notice benefits like increased versatility as well as strength, as well as it may even assist you relax as well as focus better, too. Namaste!

Daisy the Curly Cat