2014 Mutt Calendars $9.99 limited time

special price on 2014 Mutt Calendars thru Sept. 15

Every year I look through all the dog calendars at the mall. There are always stunning golden retriever calendars, German shepherd calendars, English bulldog calendars – even cairn terrier calendars.

When I used to have a golden, I loved receiving a golden retriever calendar for Christmas every year. I loved paging through all the photos trying to find the dog that looked the most like my dog. She was a light gold, and there were typically one or two photos that resembled my girl.

We all like to imagine our own dogs in a calendar.

But for six years now, I’ve owned a mutt. I always look for a mutt calendar at the mall, so I can scan the back cover and find the one that resembles my dog.

But there aren’t any mutt calendars.

There aren’t any mutt calendars even though much more than half the dogs in America are mutts!

So, I chose to make one myself – the 2014 Mutt Calendar.

Learn how to pre-order your 2014 Mutt calendar here